artists actions
Start Omhoog eco-planetary songs Fairtrade PPO-artists FPPO Companies Festivals Mother Earth


Action 1: Join Artists for Mother Earth for free.

Copy the logo of the homepage to your own website with a link to and add to your  friends at your myspace ! 

Here we also ask artists living in states or countries who did/do not wish to work together to increase the taking care of Our Earth, to join here also and to try to act in their own country to ask for concrete actions of the responsibles. 

Good luck, we are with you and we do believe in you !!!


Action 2: Create your own ecologic-planetary song


Action 3: I'm an Easy Plant-rider ! - Switch your dieselcar or lorry to FPPO - Fairtrade Pure Plant Oils


Action 4: We are Easy Plant-riders ! - Invite a company in your region to switch to FPPO - Fairtrade Pure Plant Oils. We will mention them on the list of FPPO-Companies.


Action 5: Playing at festivals, we invite festivals to let us know how the are organizing and co-operating in an eco-planetary way.


© 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010